[ aws . gamelift ]



Retrieves properties, including the protection policy in force, for one or more game sessions. This action can be used in several ways: (1) provide a GameSessionId or GameSessionArn to request details for a specific game session; (2) provide either a FleetId or an AliasId to request properties for all game sessions running on a fleet.

To get game session record(s), specify just one of the following: game session ID, fleet ID, or alias ID. You can filter this request by game session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a GameSessionDetail object is returned for each session matching the request.

  • CreateGameSession

  • DescribeGameSessions

  • DescribeGameSessionDetails

  • SearchGameSessions

  • UpdateGameSession

  • GetGameSessionLogUrl

  • Game session placements

    • StartGameSessionPlacement

    • DescribeGameSessionPlacement

    • StopGameSessionPlacement

See also: AWS API Documentation

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.

describe-game-session-details is a paginated operation. Multiple API calls may be issued in order to retrieve the entire data set of results. You can disable pagination by providing the --no-paginate argument. When using --output text and the --query argument on a paginated response, the --query argument must extract data from the results of the following query expressions: GameSessionDetails


[--fleet-id <value>]
[--game-session-id <value>]
[--alias-id <value>]
[--status-filter <value>]
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--starting-token <value>]
[--page-size <value>]
[--max-items <value>]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]
[--cli-auto-prompt <value>]


--fleet-id (string)

A unique identifier for a fleet to retrieve all game sessions active on the fleet. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.

--game-session-id (string)

A unique identifier for the game session to retrieve.

--alias-id (string)

A unique identifier for an alias associated with the fleet to retrieve all game sessions for. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value.

--status-filter (string)

Game session status to filter results on. Possible game session statuses include ACTIVE , TERMINATED , ACTIVATING and TERMINATING (the last two are transitory).

--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml (string) Reads arguments from the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, those values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally. This may not be specified along with --cli-input-yaml.

--starting-token (string)

A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previously truncated response.

For usage examples, see Pagination in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide .

--page-size (integer)

The size of each page to get in the AWS service call. This does not affect the number of items returned in the command’s output. Setting a smaller page size results in more calls to the AWS service, retrieving fewer items in each call. This can help prevent the AWS service calls from timing out.

For usage examples, see Pagination in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide .

--max-items (integer)

The total number of items to return in the command’s output. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified, a NextToken is provided in the command’s output. To resume pagination, provide the NextToken value in the starting-token argument of a subsequent command. Do not use the NextToken response element directly outside of the AWS CLI.

For usage examples, see Pagination in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide .

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. Similarly, if provided yaml-input it will print a sample input YAML that can be used with --cli-input-yaml. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

--cli-auto-prompt (boolean) Automatically prompt for CLI input parameters.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


GameSessionDetails -> (list)

A collection of objects containing game session properties and the protection policy currently in force for each session matching the request.


A game session’s properties plus the protection policy currently in force.

GameSession -> (structure)

Object that describes a game session.

GameSessionId -> (string)

A unique identifier for the game session. A game session ARN has the following format: arn:aws:gamelift:<region>::gamesession/<fleet ID>/<custom ID string or idempotency token> .

Name -> (string)

A descriptive label that is associated with a game session. Session names do not need to be unique.

FleetId -> (string)

A unique identifier for a fleet that the game session is running on.

FleetArn -> (string)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN ) associated with the GameLift fleet that this game session is running on.

CreationTime -> (timestamp)

Time stamp indicating when this data object was created. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example “1469498468.057”).

TerminationTime -> (timestamp)

Time stamp indicating when this data object was terminated. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example “1469498468.057”).

CurrentPlayerSessionCount -> (integer)

Number of players currently in the game session.

MaximumPlayerSessionCount -> (integer)

The maximum number of players that can be connected simultaneously to the game session.

Status -> (string)

Current status of the game session. A game session must have an ACTIVE status to have player sessions.

StatusReason -> (string)

Provides additional information about game session status. INTERRUPTED indicates that the game session was hosted on a spot instance that was reclaimed, causing the active game session to be terminated.

GameProperties -> (list)

Set of custom properties for a game session, formatted as key:value pairs. These properties are passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session ). You can search for active game sessions based on this custom data with SearchGameSessions .


Set of key-value pairs that contain information about a game session. When included in a game session request, these properties communicate details to be used when setting up the new game session. For example, a game property might specify a game mode, level, or map. Game properties are passed to the game server process when initiating a new game session. For more information, see the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide .

Key -> (string)

The game property identifier.

Value -> (string)

The game property value.

IpAddress -> (string)

IP address of the instance that is running the game session. When connecting to a Amazon GameLift game server, a client needs to reference an IP address (or DNS name) and port number.

DnsName -> (string)

DNS identifier assigned to the instance that is running the game session. Values have the following format:

  • TLS-enabled fleets: <unique identifier>.<region identifier>.amazongamelift.com .

  • Non-TLS-enabled fleets: ec2-<unique identifier>.compute.amazonaws.com . (See Amazon EC2 Instance IP Addressing .)

When connecting to a game session that is running on a TLS-enabled fleet, you must use the DNS name, not the IP address.

Port -> (integer)

Port number for the game session. To connect to a Amazon GameLift game server, an app needs both the IP address and port number.

PlayerSessionCreationPolicy -> (string)

Indicates whether or not the game session is accepting new players.

CreatorId -> (string)

A unique identifier for a player. This ID is used to enforce a resource protection policy (if one exists), that limits the number of game sessions a player can create.

GameSessionData -> (string)

Set of custom game session properties, formatted as a single string value. This data is passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session ).

MatchmakerData -> (string)

Information about the matchmaking process that was used to create the game session. It is in JSON syntax, formatted as a string. In addition the matchmaking configuration used, it contains data on all players assigned to the match, including player attributes and team assignments. For more details on matchmaker data, see Match Data . Matchmaker data is useful when requesting match backfills, and is updated whenever new players are added during a successful backfill (see StartMatchBackfill ).

ProtectionPolicy -> (string)

Current status of protection for the game session.

  • NoProtection – The game session can be terminated during a scale-down event.

  • FullProtection – If the game session is in an ACTIVE status, it cannot be terminated during a scale-down event.

NextToken -> (string)

Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.