[ aws . workdocs ]



Retrieves version metadata for the specified document.

See also: AWS API Documentation

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


[--authentication-token <value>]
--document-id <value>
--version-id <value>
[--fields <value>]
[--include-custom-metadata | --no-include-custom-metadata]
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]
[--cli-auto-prompt <value>]


--authentication-token (string)

Amazon WorkDocs authentication token. Not required when using AWS administrator credentials to access the API.

--document-id (string)

The ID of the document.

--version-id (string)

The version ID of the document.

--fields (string)

A comma-separated list of values. Specify “SOURCE” to include a URL for the source document.

--include-custom-metadata | --no-include-custom-metadata (boolean)

Set this to TRUE to include custom metadata in the response.

--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml (string) Reads arguments from the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, those values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally. This may not be specified along with --cli-input-yaml.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. Similarly, if provided yaml-input it will print a sample input YAML that can be used with --cli-input-yaml. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

--cli-auto-prompt (boolean) Automatically prompt for CLI input parameters.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


To retrieve version metadata for a specified document

This example retrieves version metadata for the specified document, including a source URL and custom metadata.


aws workdocs get-document-version --document-id 15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3 --version-id 1521672507741-9f7df0ea5dd0b121c4f3564a0c7c0b4da95cd12c635d3c442af337a88e297920 --fields SOURCE --include-custom-metadata


  "Metadata": {
      "Id": "1521672507741-9f7df0ea5dd0b121c4f3564a0c7c0b4da95cd12c635d3c442af337a88e297920",
      "Name": "exampleDoc",
      "ContentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
      "Size": 11537,
      "Signature": "1a23456b78901c23d4ef56gh7EXAMPLE",
      "Status": "ACTIVE",
      "CreatedTimestamp": 1521672507.741,
      "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534451113.504,
      "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c",
      "Source": {
          "ORIGINAL": "https://gb-us-west-2-prod-doc-source.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3/1521672507741-9f7df0ea5dd0b121c4f3564a0c7c0b4da95cd12c635d3c442af337a88e297920?response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27exampleDoc&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS1-ABCD-EFG234&X-Amz-Date=20180820T212202Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=900&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE%2F20180820%2Fus-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws1_request&X-Amz-Signature=01Ab2c34d567e8f90123g456hi78j901k2345678l901234mno56pqr78EXAMPLE"


Metadata -> (structure)

The version metadata.

Id -> (string)

The ID of the version.

Name -> (string)

The name of the version.

ContentType -> (string)

The content type of the document.

Size -> (long)

The size of the document, in bytes.

Signature -> (string)

The signature of the document.

Status -> (string)

The status of the document.

CreatedTimestamp -> (timestamp)

The timestamp when the document was first uploaded.

ModifiedTimestamp -> (timestamp)

The timestamp when the document was last uploaded.

ContentCreatedTimestamp -> (timestamp)

The timestamp when the content of the document was originally created.

ContentModifiedTimestamp -> (timestamp)

The timestamp when the content of the document was modified.

CreatorId -> (string)

The ID of the creator.

Thumbnail -> (map)

The thumbnail of the document.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

Source -> (map)

The source of the document.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

CustomMetadata -> (map)

The custom metadata on the document version.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)