[ aws . transcribe ]



Lists medical transcription jobs with a specified status or substring that matches their names.

See also: AWS API Documentation

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


[--status <value>]
[--job-name-contains <value>]
[--next-token <value>]
[--max-results <value>]
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]


--status (string)

When specified, returns only medical transcription jobs with the specified status. Jobs are ordered by creation date, with the newest jobs returned first. If you don’t specify a status, Amazon Transcribe Medical returns all transcription jobs ordered by creation date.

Possible values:





--job-name-contains (string)

When specified, the jobs returned in the list are limited to jobs whose name contains the specified string.

--next-token (string)

If you a receive a truncated result in the previous request of ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs , include NextToken to fetch the next set of jobs.

--max-results (integer)

The maximum number of medical transcription jobs to return in the response. IF there are fewer results in the list, this response contains only the actual results.

--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml (string) Reads arguments from the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, those values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally. This may not be specified along with --cli-input-yaml.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. Similarly, if provided yaml-input it will print a sample input YAML that can be used with --cli-input-yaml. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


To list your medical transcription jobs

The following list-medical-transcription-jobs example lists the medical transcription jobs associated with your AWS account and Region. To get more information about a particular transcription job, copy the value of a MedicalTranscriptionJobName parameter in the transcription output, and specify that value for the MedicalTranscriptionJobName option of the get-medical-transcription-job command. To see more of your transcription jobs, copy the value of the NextToken parameter, run the list-medical-transcription-jobs command again, and specify that value in the --next-token option.

aws transcribe list-medical-transcription-jobs


    "NextToken": "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",
    "MedicalTranscriptionJobSummaries": [
            "MedicalTranscriptionJobName": "vocabulary-dictation-medical-transcription-job",
            "CreationTime": "2020-09-21T21:17:27.016000+00:00",
            "StartTime": "2020-09-21T21:17:27.045000+00:00",
            "CompletionTime": "2020-09-21T21:17:59.561000+00:00",
            "LanguageCode": "en-US",
            "TranscriptionJobStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "OutputLocationType": "CUSTOMER_BUCKET",
            "Specialty": "PRIMARYCARE",
            "Type": "DICTATION"
            "MedicalTranscriptionJobName": "alternatives-dictation-medical-transcription-job",
            "CreationTime": "2020-09-21T21:01:14.569000+00:00",
            "StartTime": "2020-09-21T21:01:14.592000+00:00",
            "CompletionTime": "2020-09-21T21:01:43.606000+00:00",
            "LanguageCode": "en-US",
            "TranscriptionJobStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "OutputLocationType": "CUSTOMER_BUCKET",
            "Specialty": "PRIMARYCARE",
            "Type": "DICTATION"
            "MedicalTranscriptionJobName": "alternatives-conversation-medical-transcription-job",
            "CreationTime": "2020-09-21T19:09:18.171000+00:00",
            "StartTime": "2020-09-21T19:09:18.199000+00:00",
            "CompletionTime": "2020-09-21T19:10:22.516000+00:00",
            "LanguageCode": "en-US",
            "TranscriptionJobStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "OutputLocationType": "CUSTOMER_BUCKET",
            "Specialty": "PRIMARYCARE",
            "Type": "CONVERSATION"
            "MedicalTranscriptionJobName": "speaker-id-conversation-medical-transcription-job",
            "CreationTime": "2020-09-21T18:43:37.157000+00:00",
            "StartTime": "2020-09-21T18:43:37.265000+00:00",
            "CompletionTime": "2020-09-21T18:44:21.192000+00:00",
            "LanguageCode": "en-US",
            "TranscriptionJobStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "OutputLocationType": "CUSTOMER_BUCKET",
            "Specialty": "PRIMARYCARE",
            "Type": "CONVERSATION"
            "MedicalTranscriptionJobName": "multichannel-conversation-medical-transcription-job",
            "CreationTime": "2020-09-20T23:46:44.053000+00:00",
            "StartTime": "2020-09-20T23:46:44.081000+00:00",
            "CompletionTime": "2020-09-20T23:47:35.851000+00:00",
            "LanguageCode": "en-US",
            "TranscriptionJobStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "OutputLocationType": "CUSTOMER_BUCKET",
            "Specialty": "PRIMARYCARE",
            "Type": "CONVERSATION"

For more information, see `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/batch-med-transcription.html>`__ in the Amazon Transcribe Developer Guide.


Status -> (string)

The requested status of the medical transcription jobs returned.

NextToken -> (string)

The ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation returns a page of jobs at a time. The maximum size of the page is set by the MaxResults parameter. If the number of jobs exceeds what can fit on a page, Amazon Transcribe Medical returns the NextPage token. Include the token in the next request to the ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation to return in the next page of jobs.

MedicalTranscriptionJobSummaries -> (list)

A list of objects containing summary information for a transcription job.


Provides summary information about a transcription job.

MedicalTranscriptionJobName -> (string)

The name of a medical transcription job.

CreationTime -> (timestamp)

A timestamp that shows when the medical transcription job was created.

StartTime -> (timestamp)

A timestamp that shows when the job began processing.

CompletionTime -> (timestamp)

A timestamp that shows when the job was completed.

LanguageCode -> (string)

The language of the transcript in the source audio file.

TranscriptionJobStatus -> (string)

The status of the medical transcription job.

FailureReason -> (string)

If the TranscriptionJobStatus field is FAILED , a description of the error.

OutputLocationType -> (string)

Indicates the location of the transcription job’s output.

The CUSTOMER_BUCKET is the S3 location provided in the OutputBucketName field when the

Specialty -> (string)

The medical specialty of the transcription job. Primary care is the only valid value.

Type -> (string)

The speech of the clinician in the input audio.